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You are viewing the following monitors (selectable text):

VA Panels

  • A middle ground panel type between IPS and TN
  • Better viewing angles than TN but not as good as IPS
  • Middle of the road response times, not for pro gamers wanting high refresh rates
  • Good color reproduction
  • Higher maximum brightness
  • Backlight bleed is not too much of an issue typically

IPS Panels

  • Excellent color reproduction
  • Excellent viewing angles
  • Can have high refresh rates
  • Not for competitive / pro gaming
  • Can suffer from noticable backlight bleed

TN Panels

  • Good choice for competitive / pro gamers
  • Higher refresh rates
  • Low response times
  • Poor viewing angles
  • Poor colour reproduction

So which panel is good for you?

Pro / Competitive Gamers

If your going to LAN tournaments and/or play pro gaming then your going to want a TN panel, recommended sizes are between 27" to 34" monitors.

Casual Gamers / Movie watching / Workstations

VA is going to be the choice for you, with decent response times, good colour reproduction and decent viewing angles, recommended sizes are 34" and above, with a minimum resolution of 1440p.

Graphics work / Photo editing / Video editing / Design / Casual Gaming / Workstations / Watching Movies

IPS is going to be the best choice for you, width the best colour, picture quality and viewing angles around however can suffer from higher than normal response times and input lag, it's strongly recommended that you go for sizes above 34", 40" is perfect workstations and immersive casual gamers which can also be used as a tv. A minimum resolution of 4K is recommended, most certainly nothing lower than 1440p.

When will we have the perfect ultrawide monitor?

Not any time soon, currently the best ultrawides are still limiting when it comes to physical height and resolution. For example, Samsung have released a 49" ultrawide monitor which is almost perfect in width but extremely short, not to mention that the height resolution is just 1080p, which make it impractical for many uses these days (This problem is called letter boxing / the letter box effect).

What is the perfect 4K ultra wide monitor?

Standard 4K monitors have a resolution of 3840 x 2160 (2160p), with the best size being somewhere between 38" to 46" (I am currently using a 40" monitor).

Monitors of this size are great for gaming (casual), workstations and watching movies, tv or youtube. Windows10 still needs scaling turned on, typically anywhere between 125% to 150% depending on your eyes and seating distance.

For gamers, unless you got a high end system that can game at 4K @ 60fps then you can easily drop the resolution to 1440p and still have a great immersive experience. I find the 2560 x 1440 (1440p) the perfect resolution for gaming, better than 1080p and I don't really notice the difference between 1440p and 2160p (4K) during gaming. Some may also like to run at 1440p for their work also, with possibly no display scaling at all.

So, what is the perfect ultra wide 4K monitor? Given that 4K is best on 38" to 46" monitors with a width of somewhere around 90cm wide and a height of 52cm, a 4K ultra wide monitor would be around 115cm to 130cm wide and 52cm tall, with an estimate screen resolution of 5120 x 2160, with a diagonal of approximately 55". A monitor of this size would satisfy many peoples needs for a multi monitor setup with a single monitor..

Sadly no such monitor exists at the moment, but we can dream... Someday Samsung, LG, Acer, DELL, etc might actually build it, I would buy one of these instantly, no questions asked.